Building Community Through Service

Building Beyond the Walls creates an experience through inclusive hands-on construction skills training that increases confidence and self-reliance. By focusing on projects that give back, we connect individuals more deeply in their communities!


Female Students

Encouraging women in the trades and self reliance!


Service Hours

Participants give hours to the community as part of the class


Minority Students

Creating Social Equity and Diversity in the trades


Students With Disabilities

Creating self reliance and deeper community

Our Classes

We have amazing students

Who We Are

We’re passionate in helping our community grow.

“Give a man a fish you have fed him for a day. Teach a
man to fish and you have fed him for a lifetime”

  • Become a volunteer
  • Teach & Instruct The Trades
  • Volunteer as a board member

The Flagship Construction Training
is a free residential construction training program

Designed to give participants basic hands-on construction skills.

Classes are free – participants just must agree to give 50 hours back to the community.

Offering the training at no cost allows a broader participant pool, increasing our ability to reach and serve
people no matter their income.

Professional training programs are often cost prohibitive and the time commitment is much longer than our
eight day classes.

From Our Blog Posts