Take a Flagship Class

What is the Flagship class?

Our Flagship Construction Training is a free residential construction training program, designed to give participants basic hands-on construction skills.  As you learn these skills, you also work on projects that benefit your community. It’s a win-win!



Please be sure you have read the Statement of Commitment, and can commit to all program requirements, before you begin your application!

Ready to get started? Complete your application below. Be sure to complete all required fields.

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More About Flagship Classes

Building Beyond the Walls exists to “build community through service”, with hands-on construction training as the conduit.

Free. The Flagship Construction Training is a free residential construction training program, designed to give participants basic hands-on construction skills.

Offering the training at no cost allows a broader participant pool to draw from and increases our ability to reach and serve people no matter their income. Professional training programs are often cost prohibitive and the time commitment is much longer than our eight day classes.

Complete Structures. In our Flagship class we build a complete structure. Most professional training programs do not provide the opportunity to build a product that is left whole or built and used by the community.

Process Not Project. Our Flagship training is driven by the process of learning and not the project itself, unlike other educational institutions who are measured on production. Our class allows all students to learn at a safe pace and results in greater confidence.

Industry Professionals as Instructors. Our students work alongside industry craftsman, ranging from educational institutions to business owners. This gives businesses an opportunity to work alongside individuals and has made a deep impact on many of our participants’ lives.

Inclusive Training Program. We allow people with physical disabilities to learn and become empowered to do construction safely by modifying equipment and processes they help create. This is a demographic that is most often excluded from construction training programs, yet it has proven to have a profound effect on their lives.

Responsible Building Techniques. We are proactive in adapting all projects to incorporate Universal Design concept and sustainable building practices, putting our students ahead of the curve in construction knowledge and increasing the potential success of all of our students and their awareness of responsible building techniques.

Enriching Our Community through Service. Students agree to give 50 volunteer hours back to the community upon completing our program. To our knowledge, no other professional training does this. Multiple projects have been built by trainees that are enriching our community.

Engages Our Community. Community organizations bring lunch on training days and share a meal with the students, share what they do in the community and how the students can volunteer with them.